Due to the pandemic, the Palm Sunday Market was canceled for the second year. The artisans count on these markets for up to 60% or more of their yearly sales.

The Instituto del Artesano Michoacano (IAM), the Fondo Nacional para el Fomento de las Artesanías (Fonart), and the city of Uruapan held the 60th Concurso Domingo de Ramos in Uruapan, Michoacán in March 2021.
There were 2,672 pieces entered into the Concurso created by 1452 artisans. The judges break up into teams to choose the best entries of each category. Out of those chosen, the judges then discussed why certain pieces are more outstanding than others and merit consideration for a prize. Remember that a first prize and several second and third-place prizes are awarded in each category. But in those same categories, certain pieces might be chosen for a different prize, such as the revival of an old technique, innovation, or a special award due to the piece’s excellence. After all the first prizes are presented, all judges meet to decide and vote on the special pieces. I had the honor to be one of the judges.

The 2021 Concurso Domingo de Ramos awarded 297 prizes for $50,000,000.00 pesos ($26,000.00 US dollars). These prizes and the monies were well received.
Zócalo Folk Art is offering our tour Palm Sunday and Easter Week in Michoacán 2024